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Finals Period 🥴


At CBS there is no set "Finals Week", it all depends on the classes you are registered for. They can be in person exams, take home exams that range from 24hours - 2 weeks long, and also oral finals. Luckily, all of my exams were take home exams. I had completed my final exam for my brand management course in the middle of the semester since it was only a Quarter1 course. I got my grade back and ended up getting a 12 which is the equivalent of an A+ so it was very rewarding and motivating going forward!

My other three exams were take home exams as well, for my Platform Business Final, it was a group paper which was super easy and did not take much time at all which had a 2 week turn in period so it was very relaxed. My other final was for my marketing-the essentials and trend drivers course which was a bit more intense because it was more of a technical class and this one was different because it was open for one week. It entailed examining a case study and answering prompts in terms of market research and other factors. Once I was done with that my behavioral finance final started and this one was a 72 hour exam which was VERY stressful and the worst time of my life lol. First of all, the course was just terrible and I had no previous knowledge of the concepts being taught so be VERY cautious of the syllabus when registering for courses. So it was very stressful and rigorous because I had no idea what I was doing but I think that my end product was something good enough to get a decent grade. The grading process is allegedly super strict so I am a bit nervous to see my final grades which come out in mid January. Another thing that I wanted to bring attention to is that CBS is a bit different from UH since they don't have homework or quizzes or anything like that. Your entire grade is entirely based on your final and it is grade out of 12.

In terms of my three photos, the first one on the left is a famous library that I studied at once which was not that great for studying haha. The second is one of the main buildings at CBS that I was in while studying and completing my finals. And the third picture is where I was 95% of the time that I had finals which was my FAVORITE cafe. It was so pleasant in there and made me feel very productive, I would highly recommend. It's called Mokkariet and it is open until 9PM everyday and is also conveniently located in Nørrebro which is where i live, so it was only a 5 minute cycle!


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